Thursday, July 29, 2010

The theory of intelligent than Einstein's theory

In the first article in 1905 called "On the Motion Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat of Small particles suspended in a Stationary Liquid", includes research on Brownian motion. Using the kinetic theory of liquids at the time of controversy, he establishes that the phenomenon, which still lack a satisfactory explanation after a few decades after he first observed, provided empirical evidence (based on observation and experimentation) the reality of atoms. And also lends confidence to the statistical mechanics, which at that time was also controversial.

Prior to this thesis, the atom is known as a useful concept, but physicists and chemists hotly debated whether atoms really a tangible object. Einstein's statistical discussion of atomic behavior gave players a way to calculate the experimental atoms by looking through the ordinary microscope. Wilhelm Ostwald, a leader of the anti-atom school, later told Arnold Sommerfeld that he had made the conversion to complete Einstein's explanation of Brownian motion.

Imagine a spaceship-name call it the X-slide away from Earth at the rate of 100 000 kilometers per second. Speed is measured by the observers, both in the spacecraft's X or on earth, and their measurements simultaneously. Meanwhile, the other a spaceship named Y sliding rate in the same direction as the spacecraft X but with excessive speed. If an observer on earth measures the speed of the spacecraft Y, they knew that the plane was speeding away from Earth at a speed of 180 000 kilometers per second. Observer on the spacecraft Y will conclude similar.

Now, since both the spacecraft was traveling at the same time, it becomes apparent that the speed difference between the two aircraft was 80 000 kilometers per second and faster aircraft that could not be moved away from the plane are slower at this speed grade.

However, considering Einstein's theory, if the observations made from the two spaceships, they will agree that the distance between them increases at the rate of size 100 000 kilometers per second, instead of 80 000 kilometers per second.

It appears this is impossible. Predicting the details lest there are in hiding. In fact, absolutely not! This result has nothing to do with energy used to push them.

Nothing wrong observations. hence, there was nothing missing, damaged equipment or the cable twist. Smooth, smooth, not to deceive. According to Einstein, the results of the above conclusions were purely as a result of the natural nature of space and time can be calculated through the velocity composition formula.

Seems to be a virulence theory, and indeed many years away from the "theory of relativity" is like away from the hypothesis "ivory tower," as if that theory had no significance at all. Nobody of course does not make the mistake until 1945 when he swept the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of the conclusions "the theory of relativity," Einstein is the matter and energy are balanced in the sense that relations between the two formulated as E = mc2. E indicates the energy and m indicates the mass of the object, while c is the speed of light. Now, because c is equal to 180 000 kilometers per second (that is a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (which means cxc). Thus means that, although changing only a small portion of the body but is able to release enormous amounts of energy.

Stick to the formula E = mc2 whether they could make an atomic bomb? It should be also investigated deeply, many people play an important role in the process of generating atomic energy. But, however, does not doubt the contribution of Einstein's mind again. No one quarreled in this matter. Furthermore, none other than the one which Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt in 1939, indicating the possibility make atomic weapons and also stresses the importance for the United States to immediately preceded raise a weapon before Germany. The idea is then to realize "Manhattan Project" which could eventually create the first atomic bomb.

"The theory of special relativity" warmly invite different opinions, but in one sense all agree, that theory is the most dubious idea that human beings ever formulated. However, everyone was fooled because the "theory of general relativity" Einstein is the starting point of another mind that the influence of gravity is not because of physical strength in the usual sense, but rather a result of the curved shape of space itself, an opinion is very astonishing! but smart.

How can one measure the curvature of space?

Einstein was not simply to develop a theoretical, but poured into the mathematical formulation of clear and obvious so that people can make real predictions and testable hypothesis. The next observation was the most brilliant and because it is done when a total solar eclipse, has repeatedly believed the truth because the same is true with what Einstein said.

General theory of relativity stands apart in several respects with all applicable laws of scientific laws. First, Einstein did not formulate his theory on the basis of these experiments, but on the basis of mathematical symmetry and smoothness. In short rests on the foundations of rational as usual habits of the Greek philosophers and scholars of the middle of the century do. This means, Einstein different ways with the method of modern scientists who hold empirically. However, there are also different: the Greek thinkers in terms of beauty and symmetry craving never managed to find a mechanical theory that is able to withstand the test experiments are complicated-complicated, while Einstein was able to survive with the success of each experiment. One result of this approach is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is considered a very beautiful, stylish, strong and intellectually satisfying all scientific theories.

General relativity theory is also in some ways stands separately. Most other scientific laws have only approximately valid. There are taxable in many respects, but not all. While on the general theory of relativity, all knowledge, is completely acceptable without exception. There was no state of the unknown, both in terms of theoretical or practical experiments show that the predictions of general theory of relativity applies only approx. Experiments could have in the future damaging the good name of perfect results ever achieved by something theoretical, but as far as the general theory of relativity, clearly remains a most reliable approach for every scientist in his efforts toward the final truth.

Although Einstein was extremely popular with the "theory of relativity", the success of his work in other scientific fields was also made famous as a scientist in every aspect. In fact, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for physics in particular because of his written thoughts reveal the effects of electrical images, an important phenomenon which previously was the clever puzzles are clever. In Einstein's scientific writings prove the existence of photons, or particles of light.

Through experiments that the old assumption haltingly say that light is composed of electro magnetic waves, and waves and particles are opposite concepts. While Einstein's hypothesis suggests a radical difference and very contrary to classical theories. Not only does the law have proven electric images importance in the use, but the hypothesis about the photon have a major influence in the development of quantum theory (the hypothesis that in radiation, electron energy released is not continuous but in a certain amount), which now form an integral part of that theory.

In terms of assessing the significance of Einstein, a comparison with the Isaac Newton is striking. Newton's theory is basically easy to understand, and his genius was already apparent at the beginning of the development. While the "theory of relativity," Einstein's extremely difficult to understand even by a careful explanation and caution. More-more complicated if the original precis! When some of the ideas clash with Newton's scientific ideas of his day, his theory was never looks faded or wavered in his stance. Conversely, the "theory of relativity" is full of things that are contradictory. This is part of Einstein's genius that at the beginning, when the idea is still an untested hypothesis, which proposed a dozen years as a young person who is not completely known, he never let the apparent contradiction that there is, and dumped his theory. On the contrary in fact he very carefully and cautiously ponder continue until he is able to show that this contradiction is only on course while the actual birth of each issue is always available to resolve contradictions in a way that subtle but clever and decisive.
mainly derived from the creation of a, the genius, Einstein.

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